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Klassic KRUD


So how about that lunar eclipse we had the other day?

I’ve been on a Pink Floyd kick recently, so here’s a copy of “Dark Side Of The Moon” compiled from songs by four different groups – Easy Star All-Stars, Argentinian-based group UMMAGUMMA (which I’d say has the best site-design I’ve seen of all the Pink Floyd tribute bands I’ve found), previously-mentioned Carbon Leaf, and The Pink Floyd Experience from New Zealand. There were several others I found, but either they didn’t seem to be performing anymore (at least their sites weren’t updated anytime in recent history), or they didn’t have mp3s for download for seeing what they sounded like (or if they did they’d be only 30-60 second poor quality clips or wma files which just don’t jive with general musicblog distribution). Anyway, Easy Star All-Stars’ version of “Dark Side Of The Moon” is a reggae’d-up version titled “Dub Side Of The Moon” and is definitely worth an investigation if you’ve never heard it (at the very least it’s worth an investigation to listen and say “cool” to). UMMAGUMMA and The Pink Floyd Experience seem to just tour around doing Pink Floyd covers – I was actually surprised at how many bands I found that only do Pink Floyd covers, all with band names derived from lyrics or song titles. If I remember correctly about the Carbon Leaf song, though, I think I found it off of some site that hosted audience recordingsof band performances… or actually, now that I’ve checked it’s really from their webpage’s download section, so you can ignore the beginning of that sentence now.

“Speak To Me/Breathe”
“On The Run”
“The Great Gig In The Sky”
“Us And Them”
“Any Color You Like”
“Brain Damage”

“Dark Side Of The Moon” is defnitely The Greatest Rock Album Ever, and you can quote me on that. You know how you can synchronize the album with “The Wizard of Oz”? Well, I myself used to make anime music videos on the side occasionally, and I once noticed musical similarities with scenes in “Akira” – ever since then I’ve been working on, getting frustrated by, deleting, and recreating a non-stop music video mixing footage from “Akira” with “Dark Side Of The Moon”. It’s like a mistress who I have a love-hate relationship with… I know I can get it to work, but sometimes it seems like it’d need a miracle to work out well at all. Ah well.

3 thoughts on “Eclipse

  • Anonymous

    hi Mc glenn.. my name is Alex, Ummagumma`s bass player (i`m the web designer as well) and i`d like to thank you for including us in you blog, especially for the coment you made about the design.
    The page will be translated to English soon, so you can completely enjoy what we got to offer.

    Thank you again.

    Alex. UMMAGUMMA Tributo a Pink Floyd


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