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Occult Hymn

MF Doom & Danger Mouse

If you enjoy DANGERDOOM then you don’t have much more time to download their free album Occult Hymn from Adult Swim’s website. Go get it right now before it’s too late.

If you don’t know who DANGERDOOM is, then imagine the warped sense of humor found in Adult Swim’s cartoons blended with MF Doom‘s equally crazy raps and Danger Mouse‘s inventive beats. Occult Hymn is mostly remixes of songs from The Mouse and the Mask, but there is also some new material that features some of Adult Swim’s newer shows such as 12 Oz. Mouse and Minoriteam. Admittedly, I don’t like 12 Oz. Mouse, but it becomes a lot more interesting when mixed up in DANGERDOOM’s insanity.

Madlib, who has worked with MF Doom in a joint project dubbed Madvillain, makes an appearance in his weird but interesting remix of Space Ho’s. It almost sounds like hip-hop turned into funky elevator music with that wacky Space Ghost humor thrown in. Definitely worth a listen.

Download Occult Hymn by DANGERDOOM for free at Adult Swim’s website for a limited time

DANGERDOOM – Space Ho’s (Madlib Revision)

For more DANGERDOOM tunage, hit up betterpropaganda.

One thought on “Occult Hymn

  • I myself think that MF DOOM has a refreshing touch on hip hop and by that i mean there is a killer mentality or a rude gangbanger mentality in most hip hop and rap lyrics today.

    yours truly Samuel Young


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