Radio KRUD

Don't touch that dial, you've got KRUD on it!

Klassic KRUD

Andy Samberg, a KRUD followup

As a special present, and also to promote their video/tv show store on iTunes, Apple has released two videos for free – one’s a Battlestar Galactica video, while the other is the Saturday Night Live skit “Lazy Sunday” and is much more apropos of Radio KRUD. It features Chris Parnell and Andy Samberg rapping about the “Chronic (WHAT!) …cles of Narnia”. Just watching the video reminded me of something we’ve mentioned here in the past on Radio Krud.

I don’t know how many people followed our link to them back when we last mentioned Lonely Island and KA-BLAMO (I’ve since also found the music video they have for Just 2 Guyz), but I thought that this SNL music video seemed awfully close to those others, until I realized that Andy Samberg was with Lonely Island! So, if you liked his previous work, give this video a download via iTunes. It’s hilarious and free for a short time, so what have you got to lose?

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