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Raised Fist

Raised Fist

There’s nothing quite like some kickin’ hardcore punk. That’s why Raised Fist really hits the spot when you’ve got the urge. This Swedish band is incredibly fast and aggressive while still being acceptable to a more diverse audience, because even though they viciously assault your ears with a brutal sonic attack, they have a very clean delivery. You can make out every note and every beat throughout the frantic drumming and roaring guitars. Each song isn’t just a mish mash of noise, it’s a carefully arranged musical strike that will blow you away.

On their most recent album, Dedication, Raised Fist provides a strong sampling of what they’re capable. Take the raging first track “Get This Right!” as an example. The intensely quick drum solo that starts it off is enough to sum up their sound; it goes at a million miles a second but is so smoothly performed that you can make out each beat. Then, soon after, the lead vocalist comes in screaming in a voice that would make Fred Durst go cry in a corner. Backed by roaring guitars the song speeds along and never slacks off, especially near the end when the song fades away with a very strong riff. The lyrics are also pretty decent. They flow well with the song and add to the ride. The title track, “Dedication,” plays just as hard as “Get This Right!” and has a very memorable chorus filled with hooks. I guarantee that it will be going through your head on repeat after just one listen.

Buy Raised Fist’s album Dedication

Raised Fist – Get This Right!
Raised Fist – Dedication

3 thoughts on “Raised Fist

  • ure not very smart as u seen to listen to the instromentals and not the lerics music dount go like that u gota lisin to it all as one piece of work , that and ther very political given ther origin aswel , ure opening makes u sound pure retarded,
    raised fist

  • Short, sweet, to the point, FREE-exactly as inrfomtiaon should be!


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