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Klassic KRUD

The Cinema Eye

Pardon me if this post isn’t very well written. I’m still a bit under the weather and my mind isn’t going at full speed. But the post must go on…

Well, I think a comparison between the Cinema Eye and Pretty Girls Make Graves wouldn’t be that hard, especially since those two bands are on the same label, Sound Virus. Now I’m decently familiar with PGMG’s sound and I can safely say that the two bands have similar musical approaches (hell, the lead vocalists sound so similar they could be one and the same); however, the Cinema Eye kicks it up one notch higher. How else can I describe it by saying that the Cinema Eye has more in their music? For one, you get an increased dosage of chaos and insane sounds. But as Shakespeare might say, “There is method to their madness.” The listener won’t get so overloaded with chaotic musical arrangements that they’ll immediately stop the music or quickly switch to another song. Quite the contrary, beneath all the craziness that the Cinema Eye’s synth punk brings us there is a catchy tune that makes the audience get involved in the enjoyable sonic assault that is the Cinema Eye.

The Cinema Eye’s new CD Some Nerve is available at Sound Virus’s website. You can get a song from that new CD… here.

The Cinema Eye – Not a Word

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