Radio KRUD

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Klassic KRUD

Motorola Rocketship

Don’t remember where I heard this next song, but it reminds me a little bit like The Eels. Other than this song, I haven’t heard anything at all about Sugarplastic (and while I’ve seen them compared to XTC I haven’t heard much if any XTC at all, so talking about them with regards to that connection is out), so as much as I’d hate to appear to be riding on the coattails of another artist writeup I have to recommend you check out the link below by the link for the song – it says a lot more about the band than I can really say myself.

What I do know that I can talk about is – what exactly is a Motorola rocketship?? I happen to work in the cell phone industry, and can safely say I have not seen a single one pass through the inventory of my store…

“MOTOROLA ROCKETSHIP”, Sugarplastic [ oh, this explains why I can’t find the song to buy… ]

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