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Pitchfork Media

I don’t know if any of you have ever heard of a website called but that’s where I usually go when I want to find very obscure songs by unheard of bands. Pitchfork Media deals with music news, album reviews, and they also provide a section where you download free MP3s of, as I stated earlier, relatively unknown bands.
For the most part, I have not been disappointed with the songs I have found there. In fact, I’ve found some real gems that have made me want to go out and by the CDs that these unknown artists have released. Some of the better bands I’ve run across are the Desert Fathers, Girls Are Short, the Russian Futurists, Oneida, the Doxies, Fiel Garvie, Sea Ray, and Raising the Fawn. Those bands are all worth checking out as is
Also, I would like to apologize for the severe lack of substance in my posts. I’m at the family computer right now and my own computer does not have an Internet connection, so I can’t do as much as I normally could with these posts.

2 thoughts on “Pitchfork Media

  • It’s ok, Mr. Dave *taps nose*… we need to find a good pic of you for Meaghan to make you a portrait for the site!

  • You and I should get together to try and get a photo of me from which a nice portrait can be drawn. I’m ready for my close-up, Mr. Glenn!


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