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Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra

Ahh, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra, or æ?±äº¬ã‚¹ã‚«ãƒ‘ラダイスオーケストラ if you’re Japanese. This (and by “this” I mean their cover of “Hit The Road Jack”) is perfect pick-me-up music, yet has enough of a lounge sound to keep you in your seat – I suppose it’s the type of music that would have you reclining in your La-Z-Boy, yet you can’t resist tapping your feet in time with the music.

Not all of their songs have that kind of happy-relaxed feeling. Oh no, some of them (the theme from “Tetris”, or their take on the theme from “Lupin the 3rd”, for example) have a kind of wild anything-goes feel to them. In fact, actually, the theme to “Lupin the 3rd” makes me feel like getting in wild car chases from the police. I guess that’s the nice thing about ska… it’s kind of a controlled chaos. I’m not much of a ska fan, but I know what I like.

This site says more than I can ever say about the band. Take a look through to see what T.S.P.O. is all about, and then download the songs. Go ahead and cut loose and dance if nobody’s looking. I won’t tell. Really! Promise.

“Hit The Road Jack” [ Buy the album! ]
ルパン三世’78 (Theme from “Lupin the 3rd”) [ Buy the album! ]

One thought on “Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra

  • I’m not much of a ska fan either, but this is pretty awesome stuff, particularily the “hit the road jack” cover. We should totally do some car chase theme songs sometime. Haha.


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