Playing with Tantrums
One of the things I miss most about the south is that there used to be all these bands there that I knew I could go see and have a good time no matter what. Such a good time, in fact, I’d drive to other states to see them and drag along a car full of friends. I wish I’d done that more in regards to Danielle Howle, because the few times I saw her (all with The Tantrums) it was just a fun show, though I didn’t know her music extensively. In fact, all I ever got was one album and either I got it after seeing her, or she never rarely played the songs on it, because I can’t remember ever knowing the words to a song she performed. Which made the concerts all the more fun. There’s few times I’ve liked music so much on first listen, since a lot of my taste is based on hearing everything that’s going on and I can’t do that. Listen to the music, can’t focus on the words and vice versa. Music that’s simply great and engaging on first listen in regards to the overall effect, conversely, sometimes turns out to be lackluster if listened to repeatedly. Something about how if I can take the whole thing in, it must be very simple, and simple music doesn’t bear up well the way I like to listen to music. Which is to repeat, repeat, repeat. If the CD player/iTunes isn’t on repeat, there’s something wrong with me.
All that to say, this lady rocks.
Danielle Howle and the Tantrums – Host for the Notes [Buy ‘Do A Two Sable’ direct from the artist – Click on ‘Store’ on her site]