Radio KRUD

Don't touch that dial, you've got KRUD on it!

Klassic KRUD

Welcome to Radio KRUD, may we take your order, please?

Sorry to disappoint with the non-music-related post, but the Rival Dave and I are contemplating some changes to the site in the near future (layout redesign, possibly some future radio-show podcasts / interviews, etc.). We’ve been brainstorming about

some things, but before we actually start doing anything, we wanted to know what you’d like to see changed…

Radio KRUD readers: are there things that you’d like to see us do with the site that would make you come back more?

Musicians / groups / labels: how can we help you promote better?

This is your wish list — give us some ideas (no matter how off-the-wall) and we’ll see what we might be able to do! No promises, but we’d much rather try to do something that you’d like to see so that we can serve you better.

Feel free to send your ideas to us at

One thought on “Welcome to Radio KRUD, may we take your order, please?

  • The third time is a charm! I have attempted to go to try your ruetasrant for dinner on 3 separate occasions. The first was a Monday night and a few months later a Tuesday night only to be disappointed to find I had again chosen a night that you were closed. Being Friday night I finally succeeded and am still in a state of bliss hours after eating at Berry Fresh Cafe. I can never recall trying not to moan or Ahhh after every bite of food ever in my life! Every taste, beginning with the Fire Cracker Crispy Shrimp shared as an appetizer to the Mediterranean Chicken and Pasta and finally to the warm apple cobbler with homemade mango and coconut ice cream,was as if I had discovered Shangra La and Eutopia wrapped in one. I am still trying not to melt from all of those phenomenal flavors.I am already studying the take out menu planning my next gourmet meal perhaps breakfast next time at my now all time favorite ruetasrant.Thank you! Until we meet again,Carol A. Ryan


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