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King’s X

Doug Pinnick (vocals, bass), Ty Tabor, (guitars, vocals), and Jerry Gaskill (vocals, drums)

I’ll admit to not having had that much exposure to King’s X. I had heard a lot of praise about them for a long time without hearing any of their music. I remember when I was 15 and a member of Columbia House (yeah, quit yer chucklin’), I kept reading about them in those little catalogue/magazines they sent out to their customers. The description of the band peaked my interest as well as Doug Pinnick’s crazy 80’s haircut. But thanks to Al Gore and a fast on-campus connection I was able to finally listen to the song “Vegetable.” I was surprised and impressed at the same time. “Vegetable” is a very laid back and even groovy song, but then I’d always heard that King’s X had more soul than your average heavy metal band. I also read that the album that “Vegetable” comes off of, Manic Moonlight, has that general groovy feel to it and is somewhat of a departure from their older material.

Now I want to go out and buy Dogman and Tape Head, the first album they released with Metal Blade Records, which are considered two of the best albums in their repertoire. “Vegetable” has convinced that they are a band worthy of looking further into. I also really like Doug Pinnick’s voice. Very nice.

Buy the King’s X album Manic Moonlight

King’s X – Vegetable

3 thoughts on “King’s X

  • Anonymous

    don’t waste your time with “tapehead.” Instead, pick up King’s X’s “faith hope love” and “gretchen goes to nebraska,” truly their heyday. I was a HUGE KX fan for a longtime… Unfortunately, “dogman” was the last of the solid records they released. There are a good 4 prior to that, however. Go check it out!

  • The Mighty King’s X!
    You simply must pick up ‘Gretchen Goes to Nebraska’ in addition to ‘Dogman’ and ‘Tapehead’. ‘Ear Candy’ might be my favorite of their many albums.

    Happy listening!

  • Anonymous

    King’s X kicks some major arse! At 41 there just isn’t a whole lot out there days that can still peak my interest. If the Stones were in concert across the street from my house and it was free, I wouldn’t bother. Butthere are two bands I will definitely check out regardless of where I have to go, KIng’s X and UFO. Both great bands, still rockin’, and you won’t hear ’em on the radio.


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