Radio KRUD

Don't touch that dial, you've got KRUD on it!

Klassic KRUD

Air-Guitar Champion!

Now for the surprise I was previously mentioning – I’m going to have a contest here at Radio KRUD to round out ROCKTOBER and see how creative yo

u can be. I want from you pictures, sounds, videos, whatever you have showing your prowess on the air-guitar! Best if it’s humorous or artistic. Dress up in an 80s hair-metal outfit if you want!

You have one week (through November 7) to email your submission to, and I’ll be picking the best three submissions to get loot! What sort of loot? Whatever I can find – surprise me, and I’ll surprise you!

Sound good? Phone the neighbors, wake the kids! Spread the word, dust off your air-guitar, and get rocking!

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