Radio KRUD

Don't touch that dial, you've got KRUD on it!

Klassic KRUD


Been busy the past week (yikes! has it really been that long since I last updated?) and haven't been feeling like rocking out recently, so no update yet. 🙁 I've been so preoccupied that I haven't even been able to check out my regular list of musicblogs for their new tunes – it's been many a sleepless night here at Radio KRUD… I think in the past 3 days I've had a total of 12 hours of good sleep! In the past week though I have found some new albums I need to post about when I get around to posting, though. Just dec

ided to toss in that Action Figure Party song to keep you jamming in the meantime, so now I don't feel too guilty.

I've got several emails I've recieved and sent out responses to, I just need to get around to following up on them – don't worry, I haven't forgotten you!

Why not send me emails in the meantime to help encourage me to get back on the ball and make me feel like I'm at least appreciated, hm? 😉


One thought on “Argh

  • OK, you’re appreciated…now get back on the goddamn horse! 🙂

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