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Michael Schenker Group / “Black Heaven”

Got a headache and am pretty tired after a long day – went to the Maryland Renaissance Festival and afterward hung out with some coworkers and friends for a small cookout, so not much of a post again today.

This one is from the soundtrack to “Black Heaven”, a Japanese anime that’s one of my most absolute favorites. Read the link to find out more – if you’re a fan of rock (especially old metal / hair bands), this is a great series to watch. I hadn’t heard any of Michael Schenker Group beforehand, but after hearing this one song I’ve been trying to track down an album with “Into The Arena” on it. No luck so far, so I bought a different MSG (I just thought of bad Chinese food when i typed that, har har har) album.

Now I want to get a Gibson Flying V guitar. Who cares that I don’t know how to play guitar (it goes to say then that I wouldn’t even care that it even WORKS or not), I just want one! That would be so awesome to just pretend to rock out on instead of resorting to my air gutiar.

“INTO THE ARENA”, Michael Schenker Group / Black Heaven OST [ buy Black Heaven OST ]

Please leave comments (and offers for Gibson Flying V guitars) for me, I enjoy reading them! 😀

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