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The Moog Cookbook / Gene Simmons

Remember how yesterday I mentioned that so far I’m 2 for 2 in picking out good interesting albums just based on their album cover? First one was “No Sound Is Too Taboo” by United Future Organization, the second one is this:

“ROCK & ROLL ALL NIGHT”, The Moog Cookbook [ buy The Moog Cookbook Plays The Classic Rock Hits ]

I saw this album sitting there in the avant-garde/electronica/noise section of the store and cracked up when I saw the cover – photographs of moon-men in space suits in all sorts of old-timey settings?? This HAD to be good. Dave said that he had heard them play on Conan O’Brien ages ago and that they were hilarious, so I picked it up to see what they were like. We listened to it when we got back to his place, and I just about died laughing as I tried to guess each synthesized song as it came up. It’s very very very off the wall! Needless to say, they don’t really take themselves very seriously (you’ll see about 3:15 into the song). There’s really no other way I can describe it.

I also picked up an album by KISS frontman Gene Simmons – my coworker Keith fixed me up with a mix cd with this next song on it, and I had been trying to find the same album this song was from with no luck until I saw this album yesterday and guessed correctly that this was it. So, though it doesn’t have “rock” in the title, here’s another rockingly good song for you today: “Firestarter” [ buy Asshole ]

4 thoughts on “The Moog Cookbook / Gene Simmons

  • Anonymous

    Ah the Moog Cookbook…one guy in my residence in university had a couple of their albums that made the rounds. Their version of Rockin’ In The Free World would have fit your theme this month.

    Nirvana and Green Day never sounded so funny…

  • Ah the Moog Cookbook…one guy in my residence in university had a couple of their albums that made the rounds. Their version of Rockin’ In The Free World would have fit your theme this month.

    Nirvana and Green Day never sounded so funny…

  • Yeah, I’m disappointed that they didn’t have any other albums available at the music store last night, but I definitely need to keep an eye out for more of their stuff now!

  • Guys – the Moog’s should be releasing a new album of covers, remixes, BSides and original music in the next few months. Although saying that here’s a quote from a Moog member:

    “Hurry up and wait – it’s been ALMOST done for a year. We have to find two lost tapes. Could take months.”


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