Radio KRUD

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Klassic KRUD

“Doctor Who” – Orbital

If you haven’t heard, Meaghan and I have been interviewed about Radio KRUD over at The Tofu Hut! Welcome to new KRUD listeners as well! It was lots of fun participating, so much thanks to John as well as the betterPropaganda crew (where the interview will be showing up eventually as well). Hope you enjoy our little corner of the intarweb e-zone!

I was trying to think of a good song to post and was in the middle of browsing my iTunes library while starting to watch “Dr. Who” on tv when I heard the intro used in this live cover of the opening theme as done by Orbital. I’ve heard that it’s on their cd “The Altogether” as the song “Doctor?”, and I’ve been meaning to pick it up for a while but haven’t seen it around – I’ll have to take a look-see when I go out on some errands tomorrow and see if I can find it.

“Dr Who Theme (live)” [ buy The Altogether ]

3 thoughts on ““Doctor Who” – Orbital

  • Hopefully the interview brings a few more folks over to the site…

    I read that Dr. Who is being resurrected – wonder if the theme will sound anything like this?

  • not sure, but i just hope it won’t sound like the version they tried to use that sounds like it was done with a jew’s harp! Hah!

    Come to think of it, I’ve got a few other versions of the Dr Who theme that maybe I ought to post as a continuation of a, er, theme… haha….

  • That could kill off a couple of days 🙂


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