Radio KRUD

Don't touch that dial, you've got KRUD on it!

Klassic KRUD


I’m feeling a little bit out of it, recovering from jet-lag, so not much of an intro for this song… just some nice quiet blues (as nice as this song sounds, aside from the whole being abandoned by your girlfriend and becoming addicted to cocaine bit of the song, haha). Comic-con was lots of fun, and I got to do a little bit of promotion for Radio KRUD while out in San Diego, so if you’re coming here from hearing about it there, I’d like to welcome you and hope you enjoy our selections.

“Guilty”, The Blues Brothers [buy The Definitive Album]

I think I’m about ready for another nap…

One thought on ““Guilty”

  • Hello to the good people of Berry Fresh, ialecesply les demoiselle Marieline et Sylvie! We always feel so welcomed when we come in for Breakfast and look forward to all the friendly faces. The coupons help too since we are a couple with 2 kids in college! Oops! I mean one child in college! Our Daughter Amy JUST graduated from the U. of No. Fla. with her Master’s Degree and is employed as a Counsler in Psychology to troubled children.The good food, friendly service and reasonable prices bring us back every week-end!


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