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By request: Ukeleles!

By request of Teague comes an investigation into ukelele music!

First off comes “Uke Til You Puke”, a sort of punk-rock ukelele ensemble.
“Tiptoe Thru the Tulips”

Next is the “Serious Ukelele Ensemble” No full songs of theirs to sample, but they do have short clip of a few different songs on their two albums…
“The William Tell Overture”
“The Entertainer”
(files no longer exist on source server, links therefore removed)

John King has taken various classical songs and set them unaccompanied to ukelele…
“Allegro, from Concerto in D” – Vivaldi
“The Washington Post March” – Sousa

The Hazzards (formerly known as “The Ukes of Hazzard”) is a two-girl ukelele group out of New York City. In addition to their one song available for free download and 5 others for $1 each, they also have a music video for their song “Gay Boyfriend” available for viewing.
“Let’s Get Romantic”

Jonny Flash has some of the oddest covers of songs I’ve heard.
“I Think I’m Turning Japanese” – cover of The Vapors

The Fabulous Heftones perform all sorts of old-timey music, and all their songs are free to download!

As if just plain ukeleles weren’t strange enough, ukelele/typewriter provides an accompaniement that makes ukeleles themselves look normal!
“Creep” – cover of Radiohead

Ukelele Afternoon brings ukelele music to Tokyo – probably best to check out the english pages, but I’ve found some mp3s on there that weren’t on the english site, and some that were even off a totally different site as well…
“Ukelele Holy Night”
“Everybody Needs Somebody To Love” – cover of The Blues Brothers

Sonic Uke brings ukelele music live to NYC from their front stoop!
“The Wind Cries Mary” – cover of Jimi Hendrix

What makes this all amazing is this is only a small selection of the large variety of ukelele music that is out there… there seems to be people doing ukelele music for most genres, and several of those artists look like they appear in performance while wearing a cow suit. What the correleation is between ukeleles and cows is, I have no clue.

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