The Singing Nun
Welcome back to Dave, he’s going to be providing another viewpoint into different music types here on Radio KRUD along with myself and Megs. Tonight, playing yin to Dave’s yang, I’m offsetting his death
belching metal post with one that’s on the complete other side of the spectrum. There’s nothing further away from what he posted than “Dominique” by The Singing Nun [ buy The Singing Nun ].
Amazingly enough, “Dominique” actually reached #1 on the charts in 1963! And here I was thinking that it was going to be “Louie, Louie” all along… 🙁
I think I’ve got most of the kinks worked out with the music stream, so now by clicking the link over on the right it automagically launches the internet radio stream for you. I’ve noticed occasionally that the program that uploads the current track listing occasionally quits after a few hours, so I’m fiddling around to see if there’s any way that I can fix that up. Next step: getting some station IDs made up, one of my coworkers might make some amusing PSAs for it as well, and this coming week Dave and I are going to try to do a live radio show about musicblogging, most likely Tuesday/Thursday night – more details as we finish working things out. Hope you can tune in! (The station only supports up to 10 people, so good luck getting in if it’s swamped!)
Here hopes all goes well! *crosses fingers*
Later, on Radio KRUD:
– John over at The Tofu Hut / Better Propaganda just interviewed me for an article about musicblogging / music in general – I’ll be pointing it out once it’s posted. 😀
– We’ve been contacted by Steve of The Abe Lincoln Story to do a piece about their band – that will also be forthcoming! A song by one of his previous bands, Satan, Lend Me A Dollar by “Hill of Beans”, has been stuck in my head since I stumbled across it on the site while poking around.
– Upcoming listener-provided tunes include themes to webcomics!
So yes, I’ve been working hard on different things behind the scenes here at Radio KRUD. Hope you like what we have in store!